The media center, located on the second and third floors of the Bill H. 位于campus中心的希尔图书馆大楼, 是真正的信息中心吗, 技术, 研究, 为东方的学生和教职员工提供愉快的阅读. 媒体中心的收藏超过38件,000本书是开放式的, and it subscribes to over 200 magazines and newspapers available to students in a comfortable reading area. The collection features an impressive number of materials concerning Native American culture and history.
做研究时, a student can use the computer lab which is set up to search through electronic media. The computers are part of the Internet system through EOSC-Net, 并且还配备了访问ERIC等索引的功能, 杂志指数, 和CINAHL. Since the media center's card catalog is fully automated, 研究 is easy. A student may even search for sources the library has through the computers in the dorms or from anywhere on campus with a laptop and Eastern's wireless connection services.
Another helpful feature of the media center is its Career Center. The materials in this area can assist students in choosing majors, 职业生涯, 以及将来要上的大学. This collection of information is on the east end of the second floor.
媒体中心对残疾人开放. An elevator on the first floor of the building is readily available to bring students up to the library. The media center also includes computer tables at the correct height for wheelchairs, 盒式录音, 以及其他需要的材料.
The media center boasts of an interesting collection of art, most from former Eastern students. 其中一些艺术家包括梅林·小雷, 康妮Seabourn, 苏珊·托马斯·里德, 特蕾莎修女特勒尔, Pam Kirkes和Anita Caldwell Jackson.
The media center is open 70 hours a week, Sunday afternoons through Friday afternoons. 夏天的时间确实变了. 专业人员, which includes two media specialists with masters in 图书馆 Science, 是否随时都渴望帮助同学.