It is required that all students on the EOSC campuses obtain and carry a 登山者卡. You will use your 登山者卡 often, so make sure to carry it with you at all times. 您将能够使用它来:
Receive financial aid disbursements to your current financial institution or sign up for a 登山者卡 that can be used as a MasterCard
Use meal plan purchases at The Coal Mine and Cyber Cafe (in Wilburton)
You will need your State Issued Photo ID and Social Security Card to get your 登山者卡 at the following 位置:
Wilburton -图书馆/行政大楼一楼商务办公室
McAlester -大堂的前台
Idabel - 201B室
EOSC和鲱鱼银行合作,为您提供方便, 登山卡一卡解决方案. The 登山者卡 is a multi-functional card which allows you to open an optional checking account with free access to Herring Bank ATMs and to make no-fee purchases at merchant 位置 that accept Debit MasterCard or pin-based transactions.
可选的登山卡, 如果选择, can be used to receive financial aid disbursements and all other refunds from EOSC. To sign up for your refund to be deposited to your 登山者卡 or a bank account of your choice go to 自助服务, you will be prompted to make your designation selection during your initial log in. Students who choose to use their personal bank account will still need to get a 登山者卡 (without the banking capabilities) as a Student ID.
Students and parents can deposit money online with a transfer from an existing bank or credit union account. Visit 鲱鱼银行网站 了解更多. Cash deposits can also be made directly to your account using Western Union's "Direct to Bank" Service. 请致电866-348-3435查询您的路由和帐户号码. 费用根据存款金额而定.
任何接受万事达卡的地方都可以购物. You can receive cash back with no surcharge during a point-of-sale transaction with a PIN purchase. This is allowed at most 位置, such as grocery stores, convenience stores, etc.
Students using their 登山者卡 will have access to on-campus ATM machines in Wilburton and Idabel with no user fees. Students in McAlester can use the ATM located at the CVS Pharmacy near campus with no fees.
E.E. 图尔特洛特学生中心(近邮政局)
ATM withdrawals can also be made at Allpoint Network ATMs for a fee of $1.50. Visit 你所在地区的地点列表.
Visit 鲱鱼银行网站 浏览网上银行服务, 比如查看你的余额, 审查交易和订购支票. 报名请致电866-335-4318.
If your card is lost or stolen, report it immediately to the 业务办公室 at 918-465-1831. 更换卡15美元.可在当地的EOSC校园更换.
Yes, MasterCard offers zero liability against lost or stolen cards and fraudulent transactions when certain conditions are met. You don’t pay for any unauthorized debit card transactions when you notify Herring Bank promptly. 详情请参阅存款帐户协议 鲱鱼银行网站. 永远不要给任何人你的卡号, 截止日期, 安全号码或个人识别码,除非您正在进行购买.
First, you need to activate your card by performing a balance inquiry using the PIN number you chose when you signed up for your 登山者卡. 我们建议使用上面列出的免费ATM地点之一.
Call Herring Bank at 866-348-3435 and have your card or account number ready for verification.
Use 鲱鱼银行网站 要访问这些服务. 报名请致电866-335-4318.